January 17, 2011

Toasted Marshmallow Shake.

I have been hearing about this amazing toasted marshmallow shake from New York City's Stand for months & months. I have had my fingers crossed that my husband gets sent to NYC for business, so that I can accompany him & taste this shake for myself. As it hasn't happened, I figured I should turn to Plan B: Make it myself. And when I found the recipe on Gourmet, I was excited to do just that.

I definitely need to make this again, mostly because I realized I didn't get the marshmallows toasty enough. The milkshake tasted like a (rich & yummy) vanilla milkshake, and not a toasted marshmallow shake, unless you happened to suck a marshmallow bit (which we LOVED!) through the straw. Only then did we taste the flavor of a smoky, toasted mallow. I wanted the toasted flavor with every sip.

I also found that 1 tablespoon of milk wasn't enough to thin out the ice cream so that it could blend well. Or maybe my dollop of yogurt was too small. I would use the recipe as a starting point and then add more liquid as you need it.

Toasted Marshmallow Shake
Gourmet Online

3 scoops vanilla ice cream
1 Tbsp whole milk
1 large dollop yogurt
5 Kraft Jumbo Jet-puffed marshmallows
whipped cream

Toast marshmallows under a broiler, or, if you're frisky, over a flame until they just start to blacken evenly (the trick is to make sure it's evenly toasted and dark, but not turned to charcoal). - I used my kitchen torch and it was very fast & easy.

Put the milk, yogurt, and then ice cream in the blender. Blend carefully, just until you get a "donut"—when you see the shake holding to the sides of the blender with a hollow core.

Add three of the toasted marshmallows to the blender, and whirl it just until they're all broken up and distributed evenly. Be careful not to overblend it, making it too melty.

Pour shake into a glass, top with a dollop of whipped cream, break the last two marshmallows on top, and serve with an extra-wide straw.


joanna said...

Ooh, a friend just gave me a creme brulee making kit with a torch like that, I didn't know you could toast marshmallows with it!! Your shake looks great!

JoAnn said...

What a treat! It looks yummy...

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Now, I like the idea of this, but the reality? Do flakes of burned marshmellow flake off onto the shake?

PS--I was yearning for the time when we all discussed Havasupai. Remember that? Before Hudson and now Little Miss. Maybe one day when the kiddos are older? ;) Um--toasted marshmellows = camping = Havasupai (just in case you didn't get the connection).

Oh, finally. Williams Sonoma. Love.

Shannon said...

This sounds and looks to die for. And the perfect type of recipe for the food challenge because it's not an everyday type of thing. I'm salivating looking at these pictures and reading about sipping toasted marshmallow through a straw. YUM.

elise said...

Trish - the burned marshmallow doesn't flake into the shake, they just get cut up into small pieces by the blender & it is actually really good! And yes. Havasupai. Someday.

Emily C said...

this is BRILLIANT!! i've never heard of such a thing. i will FOR SURE be making this